Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What! You Hold Grudges???

Yes folks, I am out and I am PROUD to admit that I hold grudges. Some of you are thinking right now, “I have to pray for this woman… she’s just not right!” Others of you are thinking, “Is she still mad at me about that one thing?” Hold on… say a little pray quick and keep reading, you might just realize something you hadn’t thought of before.

I didn’t used to embrace this concept very well about myself. In fact, there were (and are) times I really wanted to hide because I thought I was a horrible terrible person because of it. I only had the negative perspective on it: draining, decreased vitality, taking up time and space in my mind, distracting. These are all ideas that I have had about holding grudges. Then one day I was reading a book, “Billionaire Secrets to Success” – by Bill Bartmann. In this awesome book about wealth building, Bill gives credit to the one person who inspired him more than anyone; his sister-in-law. He openly admits his grudge against her is what inspired him to be who he is today. Weird huh, who would have thought holding a grudge could be an inspiration, a motivator?

Last night as I was laying in my bed thinking about my life and the BE, DO, HAVE process. I will explain the BE DO Have a little later on. I suddenly remembered a grudge I had been carrying for years now. Let me tell you about it.

In 2004 I decided to go back to church to see what my frustrations had been and why I didn’t want to go anymore. I wanted to confront my fears and see where maybe I was confused. The minster got up and began to share his sermon with the church. He was teaching somewhere out of Mathew or Mark about the “GREAT I AM.” Those of you who are bible scholars know exactly the phrase I am talking about. I am only making a general reference here.

I got really angry, mad, and frustrated at the message I perceived the pastor was relaying to the audience. What I heard him say is: “You have to pray for God to bless you.” WHAT!!! I was incensed. I suddenly realized this is exactly why I was no longer attending church. This is RIDICULOUS! God has already blessed each and every one of us and continues to do so daily. The mere fact that I exist in human form is proof enough I have been blessed. Not only that, He/She has given me everything I need to be the best me in my life.

Be mindful here as I share this with you: We hear what we want to hear. We feel what we want to feel. We see what we want to see. We are the masters of our experience. What I am sharing with you is my experience, not exactly what may have happened. There have been many events in my life where I have thought something was one way, and in reality it was quite different.

In classic, bull in a china shop form, I approached the minster after the service. I felt compelled to share with him my thoughts on his error during the sermon. I of course was doing it in a noble manner of giving him feedback. To say the least, my emotions were in full swing, and I probably did not communicate my point of view very well? Have any of you been so upset, or so incensed that you were unable to communicate a thought or idea clearly? Well, take it from an expert that has made this mistake frequently- I’m still learning! Some of you are laughing right now because you know all too well that I am still learning to communicate effectively!

Ever since that time I have been going over different scenarios in my mind about how when I see this minister again I can approach this topic again. Last night, I came the realization it doesn’t matter. It is my lesson to learn, not his. The point that I was voicing to him was really for me to hear. “Janis, no matter what you do, or what you don’t do, I will continue to bless you because I love you- that is why you even exist in the first place.” Love God/Universe.

Now you are confused right? Your thinking what does this have to do with BE, DO and HAVE. The gist of this idea is that many people when they are creating their dreams focus on the HAVE. When I have this…I will DO this or BE this. Wise teachers instruct us, it is who we BE is what generates the DO & HAVE. If anyone wants to learn more about this, let me know and I will be happy to share more on this topic.

I realized for myself personally it is the “GREAT I AM” first and foremost. I have in the past and will continue in the future to beat myself up for my perceived weaknesses. Let’s face it, I am human. When I have worked on “Who I BE,” there was always this wishful thinking, because I was confused that there was any possible way I already was. Our mind can really confuse us and make us think we are much less than what we are. Our mind does this partly to humble us, and partly to help us learn about our own magnificence.

"I am" statements are very important to me some examples include: I am a genius and I apply my wisdom; I have a balanced perspective of building long-term wealth; Whatever I think about and thank about I bring about; I invest in inspiration, not desperation; I am a master of my thoughts, and whatever I think about, I manifest or become. (Borrowed from Dr. John F. Demartini: www.drdemartini.com)

The really cool thing about doing the Demartini Method is that you have the opportunity to own the traits you think you need , and then realize they already exist for you in your life, in your unique form. An example is: There are just as many individuals on this planet that know me as an AMAZING communicator as there are who perceive me as having more to learn. Both of you are quite shocked at this very moment and probably disagree with me both ways! FUNNY HUH!?

If you, or anyone you know would like to learn more about themselves and uncovering their magnificane. Well, you know… you can have them get in touch with me. Now, since I am not a perfect match for everyone, if you are interested in the topic, but not from me, I will be happy to share with you others you can learn from that do what I do.

Why do I do this work? Everyday, if I am able to open one person’s eyes just enough to see even a little bit of the pure magnificence that they are exactly as they are, my day has been worth living. Thank you for reading this. If you want to learn more you can find me at: www.robinsonequation.com

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