Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Society Has Been Brainwashed

Today I want to debunk a theory we have been taught. The theory is as follows: It is better to give than to receive. Now, before I start this conversation let’s just think about this statement. Go back and reread it. Ok, so who the $*%&# can you give too, if it is evil to receive? Notice the underlining tone of the actual statement. Now, mostly this idea was started by religions to inspire individuals to support the church. The religions were in the process of receiving as it was and is their way of receiving compensation for the gift of service they provided and continue to provide. Rather than selling on the value they provide to the community they instead created this weird rule that we (as a society) have all bought hook line and sinker.

There is a law of the universe out there that has the name FAIR EXCHANGE. This means that no matter what you give you receive an equal amount in return. Now, here is where the catch is that frustrates so many people. Just because you give cash doesn’t mean that you will receive cash in return. Instead you are paid back in the form of your highest values.

Beating up on religious individuals for a moment, let me give you an example. I know many people who will give and give and give all of the money they have to their church or to others. These same individuals do not even have money to buy their own clothes, their own food, shelter themselves or provide transportation for themselves. Now, they perceive themselves as being very God like as they have given so much even to the point they are neglecting their own bodies (the temple of God) to follow the law of it is better to give than to receive.

Let’s look for a moment and see where the fair exchange might be popping up for them. One way is definitely how good they feel about themselves by giving so much. They receive in return for their fair exchange a feeling of pride, belief in their spiritual connection with God that it is better than anyone else’s, that they are following the “law of God” better than anyone. They stand proud and justified in their conviction. This is what they might be receiving in return for their giving instead of the form of the financial return professed by the "law of giving."

A little over 5 years ago I sold my home that I had purchased when I lived in Las Vegas. I made a huge profit as I sold when the market was peaking. I had all of this excess cash. I ended up attending a personal development seminar within the month of selling my home. At the end of the seminar there was the opportunity to purchase into the next seminar. I had already signed up. I had this guilt in the back of my mind that I was required to give a tithe of 10% of the profit. I wouldn’t be God like if I didn’t share my wealth (money) with others. In my hurry to be certain I was living in abundance I reacted to a woman who made a request to have someone pay for her to go to the next seminar. In that moment I felt it was up to me to pay for this woman to go. I did not request payment at all, I just freely gave her the money as we are “suppose” to do as givers. We are only suppose to give without wanting anything in return.

I am going share from my personal experience this is not true. This is what I received because I blocked other forms of receiving: I felt proud, I felt self-righteous, I got to be noticed by others for my grand giving, I felt better than her, I felt I had arrived in my life, I felt I really was going to be blessed in the future for being so giving, I felt justified and on and on. Most important I felt I was living the true laws of prosperity as we were so wonderfully taught in our religions. Folks, all those things I mentioned were how I was paid in fair exchange for what I gave. Notice I did not mention I received money in fair exchange. This had to do with the forms I chose were higher in my values. I mentioned them earlier in the paragraph and I blocked all other forms of fair exchange.

Right after this seminar class I returned home to my boyfriend who then moved in with me into a “bigger and better” home from the one I had just purchased. His first check bounced for our first mortgage payment. His next payment never came. By this time I had returned to the upgraded seminar class and came home. At this upgraded class I was again taught the value of “It is better to give than to receive.” More thoughts on how to operate from abundance and not operate in scarcity. The girl that I had paid for was there and appeared to be having a grand time. I again received more personal reward in walking with my head high, feeling proud I had paid for her to be there, being certain of my willingness to give, thinking that others must really perceive me as altruistic. Give me a freaking break! I was being completely naïve to the law of fair exchange and not acknowledging how I was receiving from the Universe/God.

When I got home I finally woke up regarding my boyfriend. He was draining me of money. He made more money than I did and now our 3rd month was due and he hadn’t even resolved the first bounced check with me. How is it that I tithed and was so generous and was “getting taken?” I stopped it right then and there! I kicked him out. I gave him a week to move out, though after talking with his sister I then gave him 24 hours to get out of the house and he could move his stuff later. It turned out he had a gambling problem and that is why he didn’t have any money to pay for what he had committed to.

What I realized for me was my now ex-boyfriend was a mirror reflection of me. I too was a gambler. I of course was being a “HOLY GAMBLER.” I was giving my tithe to God expecting him to bless me financially. In fact, I would say I was “OVER GIVING” expecting God to bless me. The reason why I indicated I was over giving is that I was not taking care of myself, the Temple of God. I was not maintaining my own four walls: food, clothes, shelter and transportation.

I learned after a long two years of working very hard and loosing all of my money for the spiritual gambles I had been playing with God, thinking that if I kept giving to others I would be rewarded financially. The problem wasn’t that the Universe wasn’t rewarding me abundantly, because it was. The Universe was rewarding me according to my highest values. Based on how I was managing my money, money was clearly not my highest value. The Universe was also working very hard to help me wake up to reality that I was closed off to receiving except in the forms of my highest values.

My financial frustrations with myself had to get so severe and I had to get so frustrated to wake up the the reality that I was blocking financial abundance from my life 1st by the form I only allowed and 2nd by not managing what I received well. Even though a few years ago I learned about this and began realizing that it is a stupid one sided belief continued to still run my life this way. This is a process for me and I learn more about it every day and gain greater knowledge about my values.

Have you ever heard the phrase…” You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”

That is how the universe is with money and opportunities. It is right in front of our face waiting for us to see that we are worthy of having it. Most importantly we have to realizing the forms that we have been addicted to receiving from and how that applies to our highest values. It also is important to give ourselves credit for the talents we have our unique capabilities. Everyone is not exactly like us. We all have our special talents to serve the world with in our unique form. We are worthy of being rewarded financially for the service we provide the world. We will not be able to be rewarded financially until we can clearly see the form we are addicted to receiving, love that form, and then be able to transform it into a financial form.

For me I was really addicted to the form of doing it myself and receiving only the “good feelings”. I was addicted to how I was to receive the financial form, i.e. working HARD, how many hours of service, how productive I was, how many people I served. I was extremely controlling of the form and receipt of the form. I wasn’t allowing the magnificence of the universe to work for me. I also was negating my talents and skills. I assumed anyone could do what I do or share what I share. I have never been more wrong. I am phenomenal at public speaking, and I have a very unique way of looking at life and being able to be vulnerable and teach people tools that will actually work for them in creating their life. Not just anyone can do it. I can, and I am important to the world in sharing my talents and gifts. My talents are needed the way I express them. I am the very best me that exists on planet earth. When I learned about how the form I was receiving my “fair exchange” served me and accepted it as it was, then I was able to transform it into the form I most wanted to create in my life.

I f you or someone you know is an “addict” to giving and is frustrated by not creating the results they say they want in life, get them in touch with me. I have seminars, coaching sessions and many other ideas that will enable them to tap into their potential and transform it into capacity. I am extremely skilled in assisting others in recognizing their blocks and then doing something about it.

Thank you for letting me share my thoughts with you. Janis Robinson

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