You know what! I am completely fed up with the personal growth movement these days in relationship to the idea of Prosperity. I swear if one more person comes up to me or emails me about how “ I NEED“ to have more of a prosperous view of my life I am going to haul out and hit them. Now, all of you know, I am petite and would not fare well in a physical fight. Mind you I tend towards fighting with words. Let the fight begin. ;)
As I begin my rant I do want you to know that I believe in prosperity thinking, though it has been touted as the end all be all to success in our life. There are thousands of books on the topic of prosperity. In fact, Christianity touts this very premise. I can go on to Amazon, or do and internet search of the very word prosperity and hundreds of thousands of results come up. Most of the famous personal growth gurus have something about this idea as a top seller into their seminars or books etc.
I used to buy into this HOOK, LINE and SINKER. I kept thinking to myself. If only I could have more prosperity thinking. If only I could just focus on my prosperity I know I would have more. If only I could focus on the positive in my life I could have more of everything I could possibly want. If only I could be good enough. Have any of you ever felt that way about something or some idea that you wanted to have more of in your life. I spent time and money attempting to be something I already was and didn’t understand. I didn’t realize how having more prosperity thinking was actually making me poorer.
Hmmm… I know you are saying to yourself right now… what the devil is she up to? Devilish things you can be assured! LOL.
Let’s take a look at the drawbacks of prosperity thinking. You know, this belief system people that are making tons of money off you that they don’t want you to realize or they are merely taking an opportunity as they know you don’t want to realize it in yourself. Also, I am certain none of you ever would do the things I mention as being drawbacks, though I am certain you will be able to see them in other people. (Not really but I know it makes you feel better to think that. Smile.)
The following are the drawbacks I have found to prosperity thinking; When I am feeling particularly prosperous and I go out to eat or get a massage etc. I have a tendency to over tip. This is a drawback to me because I am not working within my personal budget. (Those who manage money wisely get more money to manage) It is a drawback to others as they do not receive real feedback about their service.
I have found when I am operating in this all righteous prosperous mood that I will tip others even when they have given me awful service. The drawback to me is when I tolerate something; I continue to get more of the same to be tolerant of. I am essentially telling the people/Universe and God that I don’t feel worthy, I don’t expect much ,and that I am not worthy of receiving quality and/or adequate service. In acting out in the name of prosperous thinking I have torn down my own personal self worth. I am essentially telling others, Universe and God that I expect receive substandard service. Guess what I get more of addicting to prosperous thinking…. More of the same, substandard service, less money, and less net-worth and less personal worth to break my fantasy of prosperity thinking.
The drawback to the ones who receive the tip while providing an awful service gets them stuck. They might not be able to grow or increase their income because they have gotten poor feedback on how to provide a service where their customers will feel honored and valued. They will become frustrated and think they are incapable of personal financial success. It can go as far and causing them to have to live off welfare. This will essentially be because no one has been truly honest with them about what is expected and how to work within their values. When we give money to people who deep inside know they haven’t earned it by providing a quality service it decreases their self-worth and personal desire to live the life of their dreams. They lose out by not learning how to effectively communicate their value or focus their products or services to those who will value what they have to offer. The individuals who receive compensation from us in our prosperous states end up becoming completely dependent on us, instead of learning to be dependent on themselves. When we are in our prosperous thinking state, we are not teaching people how to fish; we instead only giving them a fish for the moment.
Let’s look at poverty thinking and the benefits of it. I know, you think I have totally fallen off my rocker by now. Breathe for a moment. Read on and know you have complete freedom to disagree with me. I value having people disagree with me as I am inspired to encourage others to think for themselves, though for a moment, hold that thought.
What could possibly be the benefits of proverty thinking? I began looking at the times in my life where I had a poverty thought process. When I have a poverty process I tend to work with in a budget. I tend to save money away and plan for tomorrow. I tend to make plans about what I am going to do and I am more focused. I am more honest with individuals about the service they provide me when I have poverty thoughts which enables them to learn how to serve me more effectively or encourage me to go to others who do the same to receive the type of services I desire. The people that I show my poverty side to get to become better at persuading or selling value in such a way they end up improving their skills. Together we both increase our self-worth which increases our personal magnetism to increase our wealth. The benefits to others when I am in my poverty thought process is that they learn how to fish rather than merely eating this one fish I give them now.
Fear not having poverty or prosperity thoughts. Look at your life and see how both are needed. Prosperity thinking helps us to forage forward. Poverty thinking helps us to have plans, nest eggs and focus on the basics. Prosperity thinking helps us to be brave and take risks, poverty thinking helps us to put in place stop gaps, realize the need to communicate effectively. We need both and somewhere between Prosperity thinking and Poverty thinking is our true essence. When we can embrace both and see how they both serve in our life we unleash our own personal power. The more that we cling to one and resist the other is what causes us to continue to remain in whatever circumstance we perceive to be repeating.
Do you have circumstances that seem to continue to be repeating themselves in your life? Would you like to have the opportunity to shift that dynamic in your life? Would you be able to have more or create more in your life if you weren’t distracted by the repeating circumstances?
Well, I am here and can assist you in facilitating a different experience for you in your life. The Robinson Equation offers tele-seminars, team coaching sessions, 1:1 coaching and inspirational talks. Come join in the services of the Robinson Equation, and let’s take our lives to the next level embracing the light and dark side of ourselves.
Monday, October 19, 2009
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