Thursday, September 24, 2009

Scammers and How They Serve US

Wow... What a fun time in the economy now. This is a great time where lots of individuals are being set free from their jobs and encouraged to find new and different ways of making a living.

I personally in the past have done hundreds of different things to increase my income. One of the ways I did this was through real estate seminars and MLMs. Now both of these might have bad connotations to some. Some avoid experiences these types of things at all cost and others jump in- some with money and with actual effort.

I personal have spent thousands of $$$$ on just such things. In fact, I have charged money up on my creditcards thinking... THIS IS IT... I AM GONIG TO BECOME RICH! Yeah right...

Now many of you are thinking... I KNOW WHY, CAUSE IT IS A SCAM...Actually, that is not why these don't work. Are some of them scams. What I found for my self was that I WAS THE SCAM! I was going after the money in hopes of becoming wealthy so then I could do what I love. I was scamming myself into doing and being something I clearly am not. Also, when you don't really love or value a product, how in the heck can you sell it? I know, there are some very talented people out there who are capapble of selling anything because they LOVE to sell.

Truthfully, I was never scammed by any of the many things I have put my hard earned money into. What it did for me was to help me realize the tremendous value in doing what you love. When you do what you love you naturally work diligently at it. When you do what you think you need to do just get wealthy and don't love it... well that is what is call HARD WORK or HEAVEY LABOR.

Be open, see what is out there if you are looking for something new. Go for it, if you are really willing to do what it takes to make it work and you LOVE IT. Love it people... otherwise... it will mearly be another nugget of learning wisdom in your journey of life.

If you or anyone you know would like more clarity on what they LOVE TO DO, check out...

OH Yeah... THANK GOD for perceived scammers as they have enabled me to create for me: PURPOSE, CLARITY and VISION of doing what I love in my life.

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