Tuesday, September 29, 2009

What! You Hold Grudges???

Yes folks, I am out and I am PROUD to admit that I hold grudges. Some of you are thinking right now, “I have to pray for this woman… she’s just not right!” Others of you are thinking, “Is she still mad at me about that one thing?” Hold on… say a little pray quick and keep reading, you might just realize something you hadn’t thought of before.

I didn’t used to embrace this concept very well about myself. In fact, there were (and are) times I really wanted to hide because I thought I was a horrible terrible person because of it. I only had the negative perspective on it: draining, decreased vitality, taking up time and space in my mind, distracting. These are all ideas that I have had about holding grudges. Then one day I was reading a book, “Billionaire Secrets to Success” – by Bill Bartmann. In this awesome book about wealth building, Bill gives credit to the one person who inspired him more than anyone; his sister-in-law. He openly admits his grudge against her is what inspired him to be who he is today. Weird huh, who would have thought holding a grudge could be an inspiration, a motivator?

Last night as I was laying in my bed thinking about my life and the BE, DO, HAVE process. I will explain the BE DO Have a little later on. I suddenly remembered a grudge I had been carrying for years now. Let me tell you about it.

In 2004 I decided to go back to church to see what my frustrations had been and why I didn’t want to go anymore. I wanted to confront my fears and see where maybe I was confused. The minster got up and began to share his sermon with the church. He was teaching somewhere out of Mathew or Mark about the “GREAT I AM.” Those of you who are bible scholars know exactly the phrase I am talking about. I am only making a general reference here.

I got really angry, mad, and frustrated at the message I perceived the pastor was relaying to the audience. What I heard him say is: “You have to pray for God to bless you.” WHAT!!! I was incensed. I suddenly realized this is exactly why I was no longer attending church. This is RIDICULOUS! God has already blessed each and every one of us and continues to do so daily. The mere fact that I exist in human form is proof enough I have been blessed. Not only that, He/She has given me everything I need to be the best me in my life.

Be mindful here as I share this with you: We hear what we want to hear. We feel what we want to feel. We see what we want to see. We are the masters of our experience. What I am sharing with you is my experience, not exactly what may have happened. There have been many events in my life where I have thought something was one way, and in reality it was quite different.

In classic, bull in a china shop form, I approached the minster after the service. I felt compelled to share with him my thoughts on his error during the sermon. I of course was doing it in a noble manner of giving him feedback. To say the least, my emotions were in full swing, and I probably did not communicate my point of view very well? Have any of you been so upset, or so incensed that you were unable to communicate a thought or idea clearly? Well, take it from an expert that has made this mistake frequently- I’m still learning! Some of you are laughing right now because you know all too well that I am still learning to communicate effectively!

Ever since that time I have been going over different scenarios in my mind about how when I see this minister again I can approach this topic again. Last night, I came the realization it doesn’t matter. It is my lesson to learn, not his. The point that I was voicing to him was really for me to hear. “Janis, no matter what you do, or what you don’t do, I will continue to bless you because I love you- that is why you even exist in the first place.” Love God/Universe.

Now you are confused right? Your thinking what does this have to do with BE, DO and HAVE. The gist of this idea is that many people when they are creating their dreams focus on the HAVE. When I have this…I will DO this or BE this. Wise teachers instruct us, it is who we BE is what generates the DO & HAVE. If anyone wants to learn more about this, let me know and I will be happy to share more on this topic.

I realized for myself personally it is the “GREAT I AM” first and foremost. I have in the past and will continue in the future to beat myself up for my perceived weaknesses. Let’s face it, I am human. When I have worked on “Who I BE,” there was always this wishful thinking, because I was confused that there was any possible way I already was. Our mind can really confuse us and make us think we are much less than what we are. Our mind does this partly to humble us, and partly to help us learn about our own magnificence.

"I am" statements are very important to me some examples include: I am a genius and I apply my wisdom; I have a balanced perspective of building long-term wealth; Whatever I think about and thank about I bring about; I invest in inspiration, not desperation; I am a master of my thoughts, and whatever I think about, I manifest or become. (Borrowed from Dr. John F. Demartini: www.drdemartini.com)

The really cool thing about doing the Demartini Method is that you have the opportunity to own the traits you think you need , and then realize they already exist for you in your life, in your unique form. An example is: There are just as many individuals on this planet that know me as an AMAZING communicator as there are who perceive me as having more to learn. Both of you are quite shocked at this very moment and probably disagree with me both ways! FUNNY HUH!?

If you, or anyone you know would like to learn more about themselves and uncovering their magnificane. Well, you know… you can have them get in touch with me. Now, since I am not a perfect match for everyone, if you are interested in the topic, but not from me, I will be happy to share with you others you can learn from that do what I do.

Why do I do this work? Everyday, if I am able to open one person’s eyes just enough to see even a little bit of the pure magnificence that they are exactly as they are, my day has been worth living. Thank you for reading this. If you want to learn more you can find me at: www.robinsonequation.com

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Truth about Opportunities

I don’t know about many of you, but I used to be run by the “opportunity paradox.” The most painful area of opportunities in my life had do with dating, though has applied to all areas of my life. Since the age of 12 I had been scheming on how to be with the perfect guy. I absolutely had to find the perfect man to “save” me from my parents. Ironically, that never happened. You know why… I learned I really didn’t need saving.

Now… How does this apply to “opportunities?” Hang in with me a little bit and let’s find out.

My friends in their frustration, with me and my fantasy of being with the man of my dreams, decided that I was too narrow minded. They kept telling me over and over: “Your expectations of a man are too high.” I didn’t understand. What I heard them saying was, “Your not good enough for the man you think you want to be with.”

Have you ever felt this way? Have you been told or understood: the career expectations you have are too high; the amount of money you want to make is unrealistic, or having the body of your dreams is impractical? Possibly you have heard similar things about areas that are of more interest to you, though I am certain you have experienced this in one way shape or form.

Well, I decided my friends might be right. Maybe, just maybe I was being too narrow minded about the type of guy I wanted to be with. I started going out with just about anyone who was breathing. Do you know what it is like to go out on a date with someone who you know , that you know, that you feel nothing for this person. Wow…It felt like a total waste of TIME! You know what I learned, I do know what I am attracted to and I know how to spend my valuable time with those I enjoy according to my vlaues.

I still wasn’t “succeeding” in my dating relationships. I still wasn’t with the man of my dreams. You know, the one who was going to “SAVE ME!” What was wrong with me? I graduated from college, I had a great job, I had lots of friends who felt sorry for me. Why couldn’t I do something as simple as this? What was my dysfunction? People everywhere were succeeding at relationships while I was chalking up failure after failure. Have you ever felt this way in your life about something that was important to you; familially, vocationally, financially, spiritually, socially, mentally and/or physically?

Finally I had it!!!! I quit dating completely! For about two years I decided to forget about men and completely focus on what I love to do. I took myself on dates, I took long baths, I got myself massages, and I began the process of loving myself.

Up to that point I had thought that I loved myself. In fact, I was at a seminar where Cherrie Carter-Scott was talking about- ‘one has to truly love them self before they can really be effective in attracting a quality relationship.’ The light bulb started coming on for me. I loved only the things about myself that I thought were worthy of love. I didn’t realize that all of me, both the good and the bad were worthy of love. Hmmmmm- enlightment!?! Maybe at least the beginnings.

Fortunately about this time I came across Dr. Demartini and “The Breakthrough Experience.” Wow, a drastic difference this made for me in my life. It helped me to realize that my faults were lovable. You mean, I can actually fart and the man I am with will still love me? You mean… I can really get mad at the man I love and tell him how I feel and he will still love me? I can still be cranky and mean? What? Are you serious?

I know those of you reading this will think I am silly, but this is a huge breakthrough for me. ( We all have our areas of stupidity. LOL)

When I let go of pretending to be who I thought others expected me to be, and got on with just being me, well my world changed! Within three months after that I met my fiancĂ©. He loves me for me: the brat in me, the lover, the farter, the nurturer, the taker/giver. He just loves me, and doesn’t want to change me one bit. The cool thing is, I love him for exactly who he is. There is nothing to change, and the perceived imperfection I might feel on occasion, well I have learned that is what truly makes him perfect. It also is what makes me perfect- my percieved imperfections.

I am certain you are saying to yourself, I thought this was going to be about opportunities. Well, in life we have lots of opportunities. Opportunities are as certain and plentiful as the sun rising everyday with an abundance of light. Sometimes in our perception the day is cloudy and there are few opportunities. It is just our perceptions clouding the truth in our lives.

We get desperate trying to force or create what we want in our life trying to be something we aren’t. Opportunities that work or don’t work in our perceptions are helping us to learn how to love ourselves for who we are. Some opportunities we take, are endeavors to try to force ourselves to be something that we aren’t. After that we might feel let down, or manipulated, possibly even cheated. You are deserving of all opportunities that occur in your life, and you are worthy of choosing the ones that allow you to be you. Choose the opportunities where you do not have to be a pretender. Choose instead the ones that are in alignment with your values and your authentic self. Choose the ones where your strengths and talents can be used you will be rewarded with increased vitality and energy like you have never known before.

Quit alluding yourself. Find out your real truth, and what your values are. Be who you really are, the world deserves your authentic you, and is willing to embrace the real you (the whole you)! Doing this empowers all seven areas of your life (spiritual, financial, mental, vocational, familial, social, and physical).

If you would like to learn more about who the real you is or what your real hierarchy of values really are contact me at: www.robinsonequation.com. Why? BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT! Why me? BECAUSE I KNOW YOUR DESERVE IT! ;)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

WHAT!?! You were EXPELLED???

Today I am going to share with you about a moment in my life that many of you might be ashamed of me for me. Folks, those of you who do not know me well might not be aware of my opinionated mouth. When I was in 8th grade my big mouth got me into what you might think as big trouble, and in reality it set me free, and continues to do so today. I share this story with you, as you might have children or friends that have a big opinionated mouth too. This is an opportunity where you may learn of the blessings of just such a gift and might go so far as using it in your life.

When I was a kid I perceived my dad as a big mean bad dude who was a totalitarian in my life. That is not really how it was, it was just my perception. Well… since my dad sheltered me, fed me, clothed me and also gave me $$ for fun things I subordinated myself to his belief system to survive. At that time I was not aware of an alternate strategy to get all of the things I wanted and needed. Do you know what it is like to stifle yourself for someone else’s beliefs? Well put it this way… I was a walking BOMB of emotion ready to explode at any minute!

My parents thought highly of parochial school, and I attend this type of school 10/12 years of general education in the US. While parochial education is valuable there are a number of drawbacks to this type of education. For me personally my educational growth was limited. Usually the teachers that taught us were managing 3-4 grades in one class room. The attention to each class was phenomenal when there were challenging learning experiences, but the teacher was limited to how challenging he/she could make it, as they had to set many of the classes for all grades they were teaching. I received an excellent education for me at that time, though often I was bored with not being challenged enough.

During my 7th grade year three of my classmates were allowed to take 7th and 8th grade at one time and advance to high school. WOW!, was I ever jealous. I was so eager at this point to be in high school, and as far away from my parents as I could possibly be. My mom was a total brat and wouldn’t let me do this. She made me stick with the original program of 7th one year and 8th the next. She was selfish and didn’t want me to grow up to fast. Her wisdom was… “don’t rush it Janis, you have your whole life to live." Also, I think she just wanted me around a little longer, before I grew up too much, and would leave her to find a new mission and purpose in her own life.

I do not really remember the circumstances of the situation, and I clearly remember the results: GETTING EXPELLED FROM SCHOOL. So, here I am in 8th grade within 1-2 weeks of beginning the new school year. Mrs. Hansen was clearly doing something wrong according to my values. Mind you, she was being who she is, exactly as she is, not good, not bad, just real. Well, I decided to stand up in the room of 25-30 students and promptly give my perceived valuable opinion of just how inadequate she was as a teacher and principal of the school.

Clearly based on results this might not have been a wise strategy to some of you. For me, it was the very best possible strategy at the time. Remember, I mentioned I was a bored, emotional BOMB, ready to blow. Mrs. Hansen had NOTHING over me, she did not feed me, shelter me, cloth me or at this point give me anything I wanted. I felt quite safe in verbalizing my opinion. Well… to put it bluntly all ‘hell’ broke loose.

Suddenly I was requested not to come back to school. Thankfully the school board met with Mrs. Hansen and agreed that I was not wanted back at school. THEY REJECTED ME! The despair of my actions bothered me for a week or so. I had regret of acting out so outrageously. I cried tears of sadness, not for what I had done, but for being rejected for sharing my opinions. I was so angry that these Bible do-gooders couldn’t love me for who I was. I now know, they did love me for who I am, and that tough love was the best thing they could have ever done. I am so grateful they followed through on what they perceived as the best action.

I had the privilege of attending public school that year in my home town. At parochial school our 8th grade class was a group of 3 with one teacher shared all day and then to 2 after I left. ;). At my new school, I was now in a class of 100 students and a different teacher for EVERY CLASS. My mind was finally being stimulated to levels I hadn’t realized available to me. I actually was able to be in classes that challenged me mentally like never before. It was awesome to be able to be with so many more people and have new challenges. I had both good and bad moments that year with classes and fellow students. I had competitions and challenges. I had the opportunity for more people to like me or dislike me. The end result… I calmed, as I had so many more ways to express myself and grow.

If any of you have blown up or done in your perception terrible and awful things…look in your life and see how it has benefited you. Be thankful to those who you perceive have rejected you in the process. By them rejecting you, it moved you to new people, new experiences etc. where you needed to be to grow to your next level. Quite possibly had you stayed in that current situation you may have become stagnated and felt as if you were dying.

If you would like to learn more about loving the perceived mistakes or errors in your life, get in touch with me or any of the other Demartini Method consultants/Facilitators and learn of the magnificence of your life. Parents, do this for your children. If you want to learn more check out www.robinsonequation.com .

Oh… Mrs. Hansen and the school board: Thank you for being you exactly who you are! You have played a huge part in my life in becoming who I am. Because of you, I am reaching and teaching millions of people about true love of self regardless of illusions we might have. Thank you for serving me, my life, and the lives of those whom I touch.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Scammers and How They Serve US

Wow... What a fun time in the economy now. This is a great time where lots of individuals are being set free from their jobs and encouraged to find new and different ways of making a living.

I personally in the past have done hundreds of different things to increase my income. One of the ways I did this was through real estate seminars and MLMs. Now both of these might have bad connotations to some. Some avoid experiences these types of things at all cost and others jump in- some with money and with actual effort.

I personal have spent thousands of $$$$ on just such things. In fact, I have charged money up on my creditcards thinking... THIS IS IT... I AM GONIG TO BECOME RICH! Yeah right...

Now many of you are thinking... I KNOW WHY, CAUSE IT IS A SCAM...Actually, that is not why these don't work. Are some of them scams. What I found for my self was that I WAS THE SCAM! I was going after the money in hopes of becoming wealthy so then I could do what I love. I was scamming myself into doing and being something I clearly am not. Also, when you don't really love or value a product, how in the heck can you sell it? I know, there are some very talented people out there who are capapble of selling anything because they LOVE to sell.

Truthfully, I was never scammed by any of the many things I have put my hard earned money into. What it did for me was to help me realize the tremendous value in doing what you love. When you do what you love you naturally work diligently at it. When you do what you think you need to do just get wealthy and don't love it... well that is what is call HARD WORK or HEAVEY LABOR.

Be open, see what is out there if you are looking for something new. Go for it, if you are really willing to do what it takes to make it work and you LOVE IT. Love it people... otherwise... it will mearly be another nugget of learning wisdom in your journey of life.

If you or anyone you know would like more clarity on what they LOVE TO DO, check out... wwww.robinsonequation.com.

OH Yeah... THANK GOD for perceived scammers as they have enabled me to create for me: PURPOSE, CLARITY and VISION of doing what I love in my life.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Janis Rants

Today is my first day EVER blogging. Hmmmm... To think I would ever be blogging has got to be the weirdest idea ever. Today I am a virgin blogger. Watch out world... Tomorrow I will be better and the day after that ... well AWESEOME of course.

I am going to Rant about relationships today. Often times people say they feel they have been BETRAYED in a relationship. Now... I am going to offend many of you... but this is the facts and I stand behind my strange beliefs. NO ONE EVERY BETRAYS ANYONE. The person that feels betrayed has been living in a fantasy the other person is miraculously going to give up thier values and live only according to the "betrayed person's" values. That is RIDICULOUS!

My finace' has an on going affair at ALL TIMES! Do I sometimes feel betrayed. Yes, when I am stupid enough to believe that there is any chance humanly possible that he will choose me over Golf. Never going to happen. As long as I love him for his love affair with Golf we get along perfectly. When I decide I need to come before golf...well problems ensue.

I have an ongoing affair of my own. I LOVE to learn. If I had a choice of spending the weekend with him or going to a new cutting edge seminar on Personal Development...Well I'll be at the seminar texting him on breaks if I'm not to involved in my learning.

So. Where are your highest values. What really comes first for you in your life? Don't be appalled with those you love when they follow their highest values... Love them for who they are and value the QUALITY time you get to share and get over "needing" QUANTITY TIME!